Center for MR-Research, URPP Adaptive Brain Circuits in Development and Learning (Project:„Macro-scale connectomic signatures and environmental factors associated with autistic traits in the developing human and mouse brain: a neuroimaging approach“)
Your responsibilities
Your profile
The salary is based on the guidelines of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Second interview and introduction to the department
Leave the car at home
Have you heard about the Frauenbadi?
Every five years, you’ll be rewarded for your loyalty with extra holiday days. Previous roles at the Children’s Hospital will be counted
Have you worked for us for more than three months in at least a 0.2 FTE position? In most cases, you will benefit from Helsana daily sickness benefits insurance. In the event of illness, you will receive a daily allowance amounting to 80% of your salary for up to 720 days
Head to the south!
The staff doctor isn’t just there for emergencies – you can consult them about vaccinations and occupational health
Join us and move with us to one of the most stunning and state-of-the art children’s hospitals. Herzog&De Meuron has developed something truly unique with the new children’s hospital in Zürich Lengg. Become part of it and let’s shape our future together
No matter what stage of your career you are at, the Children’s Hospital Zurich can help you go further. Our career models for nurses, doctors and in research offer you a huge variety of development opportunities for your specialist or management career